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So is loft boarding a loft conversion?

We get asked this a lot!

Although a loft that has been boarded and has new loft ladders, makes a whole new area in your home especially as it is super accessible. Its purpose is for storage not for general use.

Whats great about our loft storage boarding aswell as being a handy feature for you, it adds value to your property and makes your home more desirable when it comes to reselling. Potential buyers will love the fact they have the additional storage facility, a roof window etc. There is no doubting your investment in your loft storage will be an added feature to potential purchasers as much as it is to you when deciding on loft boarding and easy access loft ladders, loft hatches and lighting for your own unique storage area!

What are you waiting for, let us come and quote you to see how easy the process is!

Get in touch- we look forward to hearing from you soon.

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